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ECE Research Computing Services

(ECE also has other staff who support undergraduate computing for courses and teaching labs. We can refer you to them for teaching and lab-specific computing questions. There are also other IT services provided at the Faculty and University level.)

ECEHELP operates a support ticketing system to track incoming requests by email. For all your computer support needs, please email to ecehelp at with a descriptive subject line (more specific than just “computer help” would be … helpful!) When your email is received, the system will generate an auto-reply assigning a ticket number to your request. When one of our staff takes the support ticket and replies, you'll receive further emails via the system, with the ticket number in the subject. Please use “reply” to keep the subject line intact with the ticket number in place, to ensure your replies are logged with that ticket.

If you are a student requesting a new e-mail/login account for yourself or another student, or if you are requesting that we enable a network jack for a new computer, please “CC” your faculty supervisor(s) on your email request. Fulfillment of these types of requests will incur a monthly fee charged to the faculty member, so we need permission (or at least the knowledge that your supervisor has seen the request and can deny it if they wish) before we continue with implementation. If you don't “cc” your supervisor, your request will be postponed until we can confirm that your supervisor approves. ==

If you have other support issues, please create a new email to ECEHELP for each one, with a descriptive subject line (rather than tacking them on to any old or pending ticket with “Oh, and another thing…”) We need to be able to close the ticket for each request as it is completed, so we can track what is still waiting to be done.

Terms of Use

Use of ECE resources and network access are subject to UofT and ECE department policies. Please read the Terms and Conditions of Access which spell out our policies against abuse, hacking, piracy, copyright violation, as well as restrictions on excessive use of bandwidth, peer-to-peer network file sharing, etc.

You are responsible for the use of your account and access to ECE resources through it. Do not share or disclose your password to anyone else. Be aware that hackers often send "phishing" emails claiming that you need to email them your login and password to keep your account open - never reply to such requests. ECEHELP will never ask you to email us your password. If in doubt, please call or visit our offices in GB253B and GB254.

We strive to keep these pages up to date with our changing computing and support environment. We welcome feedback and suggestions on how to make these pages clearer. Please send suggestions about these pages to: ecehelp at

userdoc/rsecomp_start.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/02 14:43 by prall

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