Table of Contents

MATLAB Features in Full Suite

ECE's classroom and research subscriptions to MATLAB both cover “Full Suite,” meaning we can use every toolbox and blockset that Mathworks offers, as do student licenses via the UofT Matworks portal.

This page has the list of features included in Full Suite for Academic subscriptions at the time of announcement in 2019: Campus Full Suite Features

Full Suite effectively covers all the features listed on Mathworks' website product listing, except “Polyspace” and “Server” titles, which must be purchased separately. See below under “not covered

Additional Benefits

Our UofT Full Suite subscription also includes access to several other valuable resources, including:

List of Features

Here is a list of the feature names covered in our Full Suite license, as of release R2023a:

5G Toolbox
AUTOSAR Blockset
Aerospace Blockset
Aerospace Toolbox
Antenna Toolbox
Audio Toolbox
Automated Driving Toolbox
Bioinformatics Toolbox
Bluetooth Toolbox
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset
Communications Toolbox
Computer Vision Toolbox
Control System Toolbox
Curve Fitting Toolbox
DDS Blockset
DSP HDL Toolbox
DSP System Toolbox
Data Acquisition Toolbox
Database Toolbox
Datafeed Toolbox
Deep Learning HDL Toolbox
Deep Learning Toolbox
Econometrics Toolbox
Embedded Coder
Filter Design HDL Coder
Financial Instruments Toolbox
Financial Toolbox
Fixed-Point Designer
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
GPU Coder
Global Optimization Toolbox
HDL Coder
HDL Verifier
Image Acquisition Toolbox
Image Processing Toolbox
Industrial Communication Toolbox
Instrument Control Toolbox
LTE Toolbox
Lidar Toolbox
MATLAB Compiler
MATLAB Report Generator
Mapping Toolbox
Medical Imaging Toolbox
Mixed-Signal Blockset
Model Predictive Control Toolbox
Model-Based Calibration Toolbox
Motor Control Blockset
Navigation Toolbox
Optimization Toolbox
Parallel Computing Toolbox
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
Phased Array System Toolbox
Powertrain Blockset
Predictive Maintenance Toolbox
RF Blockset
RF PCB Toolbox
RF Toolbox
ROS Toolbox
Radar Toolbox
Reinforcement Learning Toolbox
Requirements Toolbox
Risk Management Toolbox
Robotics System Toolbox
Robust Control Toolbox
Satellite Communications Toolbox
Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox
SerDes Toolbox
Signal Integrity Toolbox
Signal Processing Toolbox
Simscape Battery
Simscape Driveline
Simscape Electrical
Simscape Fluids
Simscape Multibody
Simulink 3D Animation
Simulink Check
Simulink Code Inspector
Simulink Coder
Simulink Compiler
Simulink Control Design
Simulink Coverage
Simulink Design Optimization
Simulink Design Verifier
Simulink Desktop Real-Time
Simulink PLC Coder
Simulink Real-Time
Simulink Report Generator
Simulink Test
SoC Blockset
Spreadsheet Link
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
Symbolic Math Toolbox
System Composer
System Identification Toolbox
Text Analytics Toolbox
UAV Toolbox
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset
Vehicle Network Toolbox
Vision HDL Toolbox
WLAN Toolbox
Wavelet Toolbox
Wireless HDL Toolbox
Wireless Testbench

Not Covered

The following special titles are not covered under our Full Suite subscription, and would have to be purchased separately: